I just wanted to pop by to post pics of the newest addition to my shoppe! They're not exactly in the theme of Firefly/Serenity, but they've definitely got the geek vibe that I've been trying to nurture in my shoppe (you know, if I had more time to make and post all the ideas that I've got rollin' 'round my noggin).
These ones actually started out as a birthday gift for a good friend/Uber X-Files fan. They turned out so nice that I thought others might appreciate them. So here they are in all their glory:

I've been meaning to add these for awhile, but the holiday rush kinda left me short on time. As prepared as I tried to be I still only just managed to stay on top of things. But it was definitely a good lesson to learn and I will for sure be waaaay more prepared for the season next year!
It's kinda funny: I had my little "300th hat" celebration back in November sometime (I believe the actual order date of #300 was November 4th). And then I was so busy that I barely noticed my "400th hat" milestone passing me by! On December 17th I received my 400th hat order! Woot! Currently I am well into the 400's and going strong! So yeah, if you were wondering why I was absent from blogging during the holidays, it was because since the beginning of November I've knit, oh, about 140 hats! Wow! It is endlessly fascinating to me that a cancelled TV show from years back is still finding followers loyal enough to purchase a slightly odd-looking (but still very cunning) hat. But I loves it, I do! :) So thank you to you all for making my little shoppe a success, and for giving me my best year EVER! Thankee-sai!
WOW 400? already? You HAVE been a busy busy lady1
hye... i'm Pian from Malaysia..
how can I get those X files button?? do they come in other colours??? how much do you charge for the whole set??? do you accept paypal type of payment (coz i dont use credit card)..
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