These are my "ode to Jayne's hat" series of buttons. They all contain a Jayne hat, on various backgrounds with the phrases:
"sweetest hat ever""pretty cunning dontcha think?"
"Big Damn Hero"
"not afraid of anything."
I've had the designs kicking around for awhile, but I haven't been selling them as of yet. I suppose that their popularity as the January free-give away will probably determine whether or not I'll start selling them on etsy. So please let me know what you think: fadingendlessly[at]! Would you buy these? As a set, or just individually? Which design is your favourite? I'm really curious to know.
Alright, that's all for me for now, but I've got loads of news to spread so keep a look out in the next couple weeks!
Stay shiny,
Ma Cobb
I probably won't be ordering a hat this month, but thosae buttons are pretty sweet. I especially like the last three on the list :)
*those buttons
Thanks so much for the feedback, Leia! :)
Hi, Angela!
I would absolutely buy these as a set! I love them so much that I'm going straight away to your etsy page to order something so I can get a few! Thanks for always giving us such shiny freebies - they make the whole experience that much more delightful!
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