One of the absolute coolest things that has happened here at Ma Cobb's Hat Shoppe occured over this past summer. A friend of mine (Magie) is a huge James Marsters afficionado. She's met him several times at different conventions over the years, and she was planning to see him again at Atlanta's Dragon*Con in August. She decided that she wanted to commission a Jayne hat to give to him for his birthday, so I knit one up special just for him.... and here is the result. One of the MOST awesome pics that Magie could have sent me is this one of James Marsters in one of my Jayne hats.

Pretty cunning, dontcha think? ;)
That is just awesome!
hee, thanks! :)
Hey, nice pic! ;) James looks too cute in his Jayne hat!
Aww, thanks Magie! ;) I don't think I could possibly thank you enough for sending me this pic! It's my very favourite! THANKS! :)
The hat is awesome, this particular soccer jersey not so much. But the hat makes up for it!
So very very cool! :-)
Hehe, thanks! I don't know much about soccer, but I do know James is dreamy! lol :)
What a great pix!!! He looks great in the hat!
That is beyond awesome!
That is adorable! What a fantastic picture.
The crossover geekiness rarely gets better than this.
That is the greatest picture I have ever seen! Your hats rule!!!
I mean.
Hi "Ma"-- I write vampire novels and am a huge Joss Whedon fan. I always try to slide a Whedon reference into my books and in the new one just out, I included a bit about Jayne's hat. With your permission, I would love to use the picture in this post as well as a link to your shop. The blog is The Biting Edge at the link below if you'd like to check it out:
Thanks for making me smile...
Jeanne C. Stein
The Anna Strong Chronicles
Ma, first of all that is an incredible picture. I love your hats and am seriously thinking about getting one for myself one of these days.
Secondly, as a Jeanne Stein reader I encourage you to tell her "yes" :p (I now have to go back and read all the Anna Strong books again to find those references)
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I'm so glad that my little post made the day for so many people. Things have been hectic around here,as you might imagine, and I completely forgot to check the comments! Hee! So here I am responding (better late than never, I always say).
Jeanne you are welcome to use the pic, just as long as you link back to the original post. Very cool of you to ask, by the way! Thanks so much! :) I'll definitely be checking out our new book! I love a good Jayne reference. ;)
Photographer: thanks so much for your kind words! You are welcome to purchase one of my Jayne hats, of course! Let me know that it's you, when you do! :) There might be something special in there just for you. ;)
Stay shiny all,
Ma Cobb
Ma said: Jeanne you are welcome to use the pic, just as long as you link back to the original post. Very cool of you to ask, by the way! Thanks so much! :) I'll definitely be checking out our new book! I love a good Jayne reference. ;)
Will do and thanks...also thanks to "photographer", too, for reading Anna Strong!
Ma, I will certainly let you know when I decide to purchase. I don't know how soon it will be but I will certainly give you a holler. btw I'm quite taken with the idea that include "the letter" and even pack your hats in straw. THAT is dedication. It sounds stupid, but it is little attention to detail (like that) that will tip the balance for me if I'm torn between two places of purchase :)
Jeanne, I'm a sucker for a good vamp novel and Ana Strong is certainly that ... all I can say is thank God for used bookstores ... they are the "Google" of the reading universe.
Well it just wouldn't feel right if I didn't include straw and a note from Ma. I aim for authenticity. :) The little details matter alot to me too, photographer!
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