I'm also working on sets for the rest of the characters (Simon, Inara, Book and Zoe), but it's taking me a bit more time. Perhaps because these characters don't get quite as many good little one-line zingers? Every time I try to rack my brain to come up with good quotes for Simon or Inara, I only seem to remember another line from Mal or River (which probably means I'll be making up more quote packs for Mal and River, tee hee)... Anyway, I'll be working on the rest of the characters in the next week or so, and should be posting their sets soon. :)
In the mean-time if you would like to help me out, there might be a shiny button in it for you! Ma Cobb's Hat Shoppe is having a little Quotes Contest! If you have any good quote suggestions or ideas for Simon, Inara Book or Zoe, here's what you need to do to win:
Email your quote suggestions to me at fadingendlessly[at]gmail[dot]com and be sure to put "Quotes Contest" in the subject-line. If your quote suggestion is deemed worthy enough to become a shiny little button in my shoppe, then I will send you that very same little shiny button (or buttons, if you suggest one or more amazing quotes)! :) Here's the info that I'll need from you
1. Any and all quotes by (or about) Simon, Inara, Book or Zoe. These quotes can be from either Firefly or Serenity (or both ;)). Quotes should be about MAXIMUM 15 words long (think of how much I can squish onto a tiny little 1" button). Less is more. :)
2. Your name and address, so if you win, I can send you your button prize(s). :)
Winners will be announced on my blog, to receive all the glory and bragging rights!
Any other questions, just let me know. I look forward any and all suggestions!
Stay shiny,
Ma Cobb
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